San Miguel Editorial Services

Writing and editing for impact and sales.

Archive for the tag “exercise”

News from the blogging trail

DSC00372My favorite exercise isn’t jogging—it’s blogging. As a writer and editor, I tend to have several projects open on my desk at once, and I get intensely involved in each of them—until it’s time for a breather. I almost always need to set my work aside for a day or so and come back into it with fresh eyes before I will declare a project done.

For me, blogging is fun. It’s my snack between meals.

Recently I posted a comment to a blog called, and the publisher asked me to be a guest blogger once a month. So in my spare time, I am writing short personal essays on aging. Read my column here, and please share your comments.

Are you a blogger who helps writers to improve their craft? Please send us your blog URL and we’ll consider listing it in the Resources section of this website!

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