San Miguel Editorial Services

Writing and editing for impact and sales.


Anne Nicolai writes for business, government and nonprofit clients and edits the literary work of both recognized authors and new writers. She has worked as a public relations consultant in every imaginable arena, from food packaging to cosmetics and fashion to heavy industry to education. She has been an entrepreneur in the travel industry, a university instructor, and a legislative assistant in Washington, DC. For 17 years she was executive speechwriter to the CEOs of Best Buy, Target Stores, and other Fortune 500 companies. She has hosted and promoted radio programs on business, single life, and arts and culture.

In 2008 Anne moved from Minneapolis to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, an international center for writers, artists and visionaries since the early 1900s. Here she works with clients all over the world, helping accomplished individuals and prestigious organizations to tell their stories and deliver their messages professionally and with the intended results: influence, readership, and sales.

As founder of San Miguel Editorial Services, Anne specializes in writing, editing and promoting creative nonfiction books, memoirs, business books and articles, self-help and how-to books, marketing materials, videos and oral presentations.

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